How do I prevent moss, algae, and bacteria from growing on my roof?
Over the years moss, mold, algae, lichens, and bacteria (such as gloeocapsa magma) can get out of control on your roof if preventative measures aren’t established. Your roof is your first line of defence against the elements. If it fails or leaks this can lead to costly issues and repairs.
A good plan to prevent moss from growing out of control on your roof is to kill the moss so it stops growing and reproducing.
There are many products on the market that are effective at killing moss. Some products may not be very safe for the environment. Obviously, use your own discretion and risk.
We always recommend utilizing a product with activated oxygen (hydrogen peroxide) as it is safe for the environment and won’t harm pets, plants, roof, buildings etc. An example is shown in the video below of the type of product we use to safely clean roofs in the Chilliwack area.
How do I protect my investment and reduce the risk of a potential insurance claim due to a roof moss issue?
Over the years moss will begin growing on all roofs in a rainy climate zone such as in Chilliwack, BC. This is just what nature does in a rain forest.
You may notice that moss tends to especially grow on north sides of a roof. This happens due to the lack of ultraviolet light reaching these areas. UV tends to kill moss.
Since UV light tends to kill microorganisms exposed to it, moss grows minimally on south sides of roofs except in certain scenarios such as trees or other buildings shading those areas.
Your home is a significant investment of your time, energy, and money. The roof protects your investment as long as it is not compromised.
As moss grows and reproduces its roots become stronger over the years gripping onto and penetrating the shingle granules. If allowed to grow out of control moss may eventually take over your roof and if allowed to continue this will eventually lead to premature wear and the risk of potential roof leaks.
We obviously recommend having your roof cleaned by an expert such as us. We’ve gained a lot of experience in cleaning and removing moss from roofs since 2014 and we utilize proper fall arrest procedures to ensure we are safe while on the job.
Require moss removal from a roof? Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.
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