Terms and Conditions
(Revised May 25, 3023)
“LangleyWindowCleaning.com”/“Us”/“We” are terms used in this document to refer to “the company” including any/all affiliated websites, partners, and/or subcontractors working on site/with and/or for William R King. LangleyWindowCleaning.com is not a company or business name. It is merely the domain name (website name) used to find and gather clients for our business.
When hiring us for our services, you (the client/customer) agree to contract with William R King and his affiliates and agree to pay any and all invoices in full upon completion of agreed quoted work.
“Client” and/or “customer” are the terms used in this document to refer to the person/persons/company/Strata who we are communicating with by email, text and/or phone. When hiring us (the company and any/all affiliates) you the client/customer agree to contract with us “the company” for the services you agree to us performing for you. By hiring us “the company” you agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in this legally binding document.
Window Cleaning (Residential/Commercial)
Please ensure that LangleyWindowCleaning.com has clear access to all areas to be cleaned with a minimum five (5) foot clearance for obvious safety reasons. All screens, signage, stickers, postings, etc. are required to be removed by the customer in advance of our arrival. LangleyWindowCleaning.com can remove signage, stickers, etc. and a small additional fee. May be added to the final invoice at our discretion. LangleyWindowCleaning.com will assume no liability for breakage, damage or replacement of removed items.
A maintenance clean includes the application of a mild soap, agitation, and a squeegee wipe to remove the water. Sills and frames will be generally wiped for excess water. Commercial pricing assumes a cleaning frequency of at least 2 separate cleaning times per calendar year or more. Less frequent scheduling will require more time, energy, and effort than a typical maintenance cleaning and rates will be higher for less frequent cleaning of 1 year or more.
A first time construction clean may require amending the price upon closer inspection when on location due to more time, specialized products, tools, and techniques to safely remove any deposits on glass/frames from construction. Any prior damage from construction or any other sort to windows will be shown to the customer. LangleyWindowCleaning.com will not be held liable in any way for repairing and/or replacing windows with any prior damage, staining, discolouration, oxidization, hard water mineral deposits, years of wear or any other reason.
Maintenance Cleaning
LangleyWindowCleaning.com provides standard maintenance cleaning and quoted rates do not include (unless otherwise noted) removal of silicone, paint, staining, oxidation, concrete, hard water stains and/or any other issue that would not be covered with a mild soap solution, light scrub and/or razor blade, and squeegee. Any concerns and extras should be discussed prior to commencing the project and may be subject to additional charges in some, but not all cases upon our discretion.
When hiring LangleyWindowCleaning.com, you agree we will not be held liable for current or prior scratches, blemishes, or damage resulting from the cleaning of glass, frames, or related products with window films, applied finishes, laminations of any kind, or special order custom products that require special treatment. If products will not tolerate conventional cleaning methods (such as soapy water solution, specialized razors, and or #0000 steel wool) the customer is responsible for notifying LangleyWindowCleaning.com in writing prior to scheduling.
Post Construction, Paint Cleanup, and Initial Cleanings (Window Cleaning)
The estimate (quote) includes the time needed to clean and detail all windows and frames, the time needed to remove, clean and re-install any storm sets (if applicable), and the additional time for scrubbing and removal (if possible with our techniques) of any construction materials on the glass surfaces. LangleyWindowCleaning.com does not guarantee or promise that all paint, silicone, oxidization, stain, and/or any other buildup can or will be removed.
The final price is calculated by total man hours and equipment/materials needed to complete the job to the clients satisfaction. Time is calculated from arrival at the property to the time we leave the property after client has approved the job to be satisfactory (not to be less than current minimum service charge). Man hours are the total time multiplied by the number of crew members on the job multiplied by the current hourly rate charged by LangleyWindowCleaning.com.
The LOW estimate price is based on normal full operation of all existing windows and the cleaning of construction materials goes at the quickest time needed. The LOW estimate takes into consideration reasonable amounts of paint removal from the glass only and safe/adequate access to all glass (this includes removing, cleaning and re-installing any storm windows and/or screens, if applicable). LangleyWindowCleaning.com is and will not be responsible for breakage or damage that occurs due to aged, worn, or substandard currently existing issues. Any potential issues regarding the job and or price will be communicated with the the client as it occurs in person and/or at the time of scheduling an appointment.
Deck Wash
Decks are commonly prone to issues such as staining, paint overspray, wear, mold, mildew, and algae growth, (especially on north sides of buildings) uneven appearance and hard-to-remove food and grease stains. LangleyWindowCleaning.com uses job specific environmentally safe products that can help resolve these issues. Decks are typically power washed by surface spinning. A brush wash is also available upon written request.
Exterior Washing of Buildings
This can include (and is not limited to) cleaning/washing of roofs, eavestrough/gutters, soffit, exterior gutter surfaces, wood trim, fascia, doors, siding (aluminum and/or vinyl), brick, and concrete. We will use specialized cleaning agents and methods to assist in removing dust/dirt, cobwebs, bird/insect droppings, algae, mold, mildew and any other filth deposited on the surface being cleaned.
Cleaning will be performed with commercial and/or industrial grade, job-specific cleaning agents that will help remove and slow future growth of mold, moss, and algae. All building exterior cleaning is done with low-pressure so as not to damage delicate surfaces of the house with the exception of surfaces where power washing is necessary to clean them.
Unless otherwise stated, the customer shall be responsible for preparing the work site in advance of our scheduled arrival for the services they have hired us for. This includes providing clear access of at least 5-10 feet minimum on all sides of the building to be cleaned. LangleyWindowCleaning.com will not be responsible for any damage to the building due to loose/improperly secured/installed siding, stucco, wood trim, windows, doors, paint or any existing substandard maintenance condition.
Please ensure all windows, doors, and access points to the building are closed prior to us starting the work to prevent any liquids from entering the building. It is assumed that adequate weather stripping is present and the building is properly sealed to prevent any liquid from entering the building. Any water leaking or drainage into, onto or around the structure like at doors and windows is the sole responsibility of the customer.
Gutter Cleaning
Gutter vacuuming (inside gutter cleaning) includes the removal of all debris from the interior of gutters around the building using ladder stabilizers to avoid damaging the face of the gutters. In some cases, we will perform a final rinse of the gutters to clear out any remaining debris the vacuum or scooping has not removed. Requests of clogged outlets/downspouts will also be cleared to restore flow.
For gutter washing (outside gutter cleaning), we apply soap to the exterior gutters and follow with a soft brush wash and final rinse of all gutter exteriors to remove dirt and filth. In some cases permanent stains and/or wear may remain on the outside of gutters for obvious reasons.
Siding Cleaning
We will first apply a soapy solution to all types of siding to loosen/suspend dirt/soiling of various kinds. We will then perform a soft brush wash to scrub and rinse the siding as we clean it by hand. In some cases we may do a power rinse at the clients request and/or where a brush wash may not be possible. Although we will always do our best to wash siding effectively, some moss/mold/mildew/algae may or may not come off with the cleaning process.
Paint/stain should not come off. In some cases, oxidizing of vinyl siding may occur and the original shine of the siding will wear out and become duller over years of exposure to the elements. We are not responsible for regular wear and tear of siding.
Roof Cleaning, Moss Removal + Moss Control Treatment
LangleyWindowCleaning.com uses a environmentally safe, soft wash approach that safely, gently, and effectively kills moss, mold, lichens, algae, and fungus on roofs. We then gently remove it with a garden hose rinse and/or gentle sweeping with a plastic rake and/or broom. In some cases minor amounts of moss may remain, yet they will be dead and no longer be able to reproduce and/or grow.
We recommend you only “clean” your roof once during the lifetime of your existing roof to avoid unnecessary and/or premature wear of the roof. A maintenance treatment of your roof is highly effective in controlling/reducing moss, lichen, and/or mold growth and is highly recommended to be done once every 2 years to maintain a clean roof free of moss growth. Having your roof treated every 2 years minimum will prevent/hinder moss regrowth on your roof.
Pressure Washing (Power Washing)
LangleyWindowCleaning.com includes pressure washing (power washing) to thoroughly clean concrete surfaces to remove/reduce dirt, algae, mildew, etc. Cleaning agents may be used in conjunction with power washing to get the best possible cleaning of the surface. For flat surfaces, a surface spinner will be used for an even clean, and to reduce striping patterns where possible.
Since wear is expected with each power wash, LangleyWindowCleaning.com will not be held liable for any visible wear and/or damages as a result of current and/or prior pressure washing by us or anyone else.
In some and not all cases staining can be removed and you agree by hiring us that there are no guarantees of any/all kinds of permanent stain removal.
It is the clients responsibility to ensure proper drainage systems are in place in advance to handle the excess water which will be present while pressure washing so as to avoid any flooding or water damage.
Please note: Not all stains may be able to be completely removed. Despite extreme caution when power washing, some and/or most paint/stain may come off and may need to be re-painted and/or re-stained after drying.
Cleaning of Flat Work (i.e. Patios, Porches, Walkways, and Driveways)
LangleyWindowCleaning.com uses industry proved cleaning methods and the highest quality biodegradable cleaning compounds to complete the job properly & on time. 3,500–4,000 PSI pressure washers will be used in conjunction with appropriate cleaning agents to remove gum, dirt, algae, mildew, grease, oil, etc.
A regular maintenance program is essential in helping a property clean, protect and prolong the life of the surfaces that make up the property.
A thorough power washing will remove and/or greatly reduce most/all contaminates, greatly improving the overall appearance of the property, making the property more attractive for residents and guests.
Regular, preventative maintenance cleaning can hinder build up of filth and potential staining of any/all surfaces. When surfaces are not cleaned regularly (once per year minimum), staining (unremovable spots, hard water deposits, discolouration, oxidization, UV damage, etc.) can and will occur. We will not be held responsible for unremovable stains/paint on gutters, siding, windows, concrete, wood, etc. and/or regular wear to any/all surfaces we clean.
When hiring us and any of our affiliates you consent and agree that we not responsible for any/all permanent stains of any type including any/all types of construction residue including and not limited to paint overspray/drips, tar, silicone, hard water stains, mineral buildup, discolouration, UV damage, oxidization, fading, concrete drips, and any other permanent material deposited on the material being cleaned.
When hiring LangleyWindowCleaning.com and any of its affiliates you acknowledge responsibility for any prior damage, prior and/or permanent stain of any/all types and agree LangleyWindowCleaning.com is not responsible for any/all types of permanent staining.
Pet Feces
Since fecal matter may potentially contain virus, bacteria, and other potential health threats, please ensure your yard is free of pet fecal matter in advance of our arrival so we can safely work without our shoes, cloths, bodies, and equipment being exposed to pet feces.
Please note: We reserve the right to refuse service if a yard is full of pet feces, the homeowner refuse to clean up the feces, and/or we may add a fee for each pile to the final invoice for minor cleanup of pet feces in some circumstances at our sole discretion.
Weather Policy
We will always do our best to complete the job as scheduled regardless of weather conditions. When temperatures are five degrees Celsius or below, we may start later in the day to allow frost and/or icy conditions to thaw. When icy conditions persist, we may need to reschedule an appointment for a warmer day for obvious safety reasons.
We typically will follow through will our scheduled appointments regardless of weather conditions including rainy weather. In extreme cases, like torrential downpours, lightning storms, and/or powerful windstorms we will need to reschedule appointments for our safety.
Quoting and Scheduling
All communication between LangleyWindowCleaning.com and the customer is done through email to have a written record of communication and to avoid potential misunderstandings by any party. Since voicemail messages can be audibly unclear, we cannot and/or will not make any confirmations or guarantees of any sort via phone and/or any other type of verbal communication. Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse service when inaudible, rapid, and/or rude speaking by the customer is done thru a phone call or voicemail message.
It is our policy to always provide a written quote prior to booking an appointment. LangleyWindowCleaning.com requires potential new and/or repeat customers to fill out a quote request form at LangleyWindowCleaning.com/get-a-quote or to give us a written request including all of the specific services to be quoted, the complete street address of the location to be quoted, the full name, email, phone number, and mailing address of the person/company/strata entity making the request.
A customized quote in PDF format will be provided prior to any work being done and will be delivered as an email attachment. Work will not begin until the customer delivers us written consent by email or standard mail.
In order to schedule an appointment we will provide some optional calendar days to book and how many days the complete job will take will be taken into account. If none of the optional days will work for the customer, we require written notification and will provide more optional days for booking at that point. When a customer decides to book with us, we require written notification of the days they wish to book. We will confirm the scheduled days by email so there is a written record of the agreed upon days to be booked.
*** Please note: We DO NOT provide verbal quotes. ***
Pricing Rates and Service Charges
Pricing rates are calculated based upon many factors including and not limited to: time involved while on the job, travel time for calls outside our service area, bridge toll fees, vertical height of the service, number of years since previous cleaning was performed, number of trees nearby, difficulty level of each service, accessibility, having to move items out of the way, having to install a temporary roof safety anchor, number of individual window panes being cleaned, linear and/or square feet of surface areas being cleaned, materials/products/tools/equipment use/maintenance/replacement costs, liability insurance policy, income replacement disability policy, auto insurance policy, life insurance policy, inflation, and any other factor based on our discretion.
Rates are always quoted in writing prior to performing any service and are delivered to the customer through email attachment in PDF format. When 3 or more individual services are requested a customized bundled package quote with reduced individual rates will be prepared and emailed to the potential/repeat customer. If you require a printed copy, we require written notification in advance by email or postal mail. In this one instance we will accept a phone request when a voicemail message has been left by the client.
A minimum service charge will be listed on LangleyWindowCleaning.com and will be the minimum charge for any type of service call. The minimum charge rate may be changed at any time based on our discretion.
Cancellation Policy
We have a 48 hour cancellation policy that we adhere to help keep our prices competitive. We require written notice for rescheduling your appointment more than 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Cancellations or reschedules that occur with less than 48 hours notice may be subject to a service charge fee. Implementation of this and any other convenience fees is at the sole discretion of LangleyWindowCleaning.com. An invoice for the fee will be emailed at the time of cancellation.
Payment Options
Full payment of the invoice is always due immediately upon completion of services rendered (NET 0). We reserve the right to add a $25 late payment fee to outstanding accounts of 30+ days. A 2.0% late fee will be added every 30 days a payment is past due, upon discretion of LangleyWindowCleaning.com. A $40 service charge will be included for insufficient funds. When a customer refuses to pay an invoice for services rendered we may pursue collections protocols at our discretion.
[Revised May 25, 2023]:
Payment options include: Cash, Interac E-transfer (To: [email protected]), PayPal, VISA, Mastercard, and Apple Pay. PayPal, Apple Pay, and credit card transactions will include a convenience fee of $0.30 + 3% of the invoice total. Cheque is ONLY ACCEPTED BY DELIVERING IN-PERSON / IN-HAND TO WILLIAM R KING THE DAY OF PROJECT COMPLETION. (Please make cheque payable to “William R King.”) MAILING OF CHEQUE IS NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE. DELAYED DELIVERY OF CHEQUE WILL RESULT IN US NO LONGER DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU).
We can securely process credit card payments using a Square reader in person. We can also process credit card payment securely online thru our Stripe merchant account and no credit card information is ever kept on file.
Refusal of Service
LangleyWindowCleaning.com and it’s affiliates always reserve the right to refuse service at their sole discretion. Reasons may include (and are not limited to) rude, abusive, and/or belligerent behaviour, miscommunications, misunderstandings of any sort, indiscernible speech, locations outside our service area, inability to safely perform the services requested (at our discretion), extreme amounts of pet feces on location, and/or any other good reason we may have and not communicate.
Customers Rights
The customer has the right to good service, honest/open/clear communication, being treated with dignity and respect, a good job being done, a location being left cleaner than on our arrival, reasonable/up-front quoted rates in writing, the job being completed in a timely fashion within the projected time-frame, and when we miss anything to communicate with us verbally and/or in writing as soon as possible, (preferably within 1-7 days max) so we can remedy any deficiencies immediately and preferably before we leave the job location.
Future Revisions
As “the company” grows it may be necessary to revise our terms and conditions as required. We “the company” reserve the right to revise this document at our discretion at such time that any changes occur to our services, policies, affiliates, websites, and/or company structure and/or location.
Previously existing terms and conditions documents that have been attached to previous quotes prior to any current revisions will still be legally binding based on the previous document. A current version of this revision will be available at http://langleywindowcleaning.com/terms-and-conditions/ This revision will also be available for review on any/all affiliated websites and “the company” name may be different according to the website it is affiliated with.